viernes, 24 de diciembre de 2010


Earth Liberation - An ecofeminist perspective
Activity: Earth Liberation - An Eco-Feminist Perspective

Duration: 50 min

- Exposing the arrogance and incoherence of the capitalist patriarchal society.
- Questioning our position as habitants of the earth

- Reach a deeper reflection about our society and the evils we cause to the environment.

Reading text (about 15 minutes), sample photos, followed by discussion / debate with the free participation of whoever you want.

We live in a selfish and irresponsible, looting, destroying, poisoning and violence to the earth as if our actions did not have major consequences.

The eco-feminism arises from the union between radical feminism and deep ecology resulting in a new philosophical trend that puts the human being as part of the whole rather more like the master and owner of all that exists. The revolution vegan (vegetarian feminist) is politics. It is an attempt to ovulate in a new consciousness to escape the most comprehensive pre-assumptions of our era, radically transforming the human being, destroying the paradigm of male-anthropocentrism, looking beyond the stiffness and limitation of Cartesian rationalism.


Total liberation territorial and political organization, from local to global.
Total liberation territorial and political organization, from local to global.

1 hour 30 minutes.

Delve into issues of organizational strategies from the local perspective and territorial control.

Increased resources for the recognition of territorial conflicts at (mapping group).

Critically analyze strategies and objectives of the revolutionary movement internationally, its flaws, myths, both theoretical and practical.

Preconceive coordinating groups at the territorial level macro.

Delivery of collective mapping materials. Internet You can download it here.

Reading extracts from various texts referring to action strategy of the revolutionary movement, analysis of each and comparing.

Pre conclusions about the polemics and analysis of organizational possibilities.


hildbirth - Energy fluently live
Chat and collective reflection

Childbirth - Energy fluently live

1 ½ HOURS (considering the 1 hour talk collective reflection half hour)

- Propose natural childbirth renewed option for women who respect their life processes.
- Dealing with Western medical care so the complications of cesarean section.
- Clarify the process sequence and the means by which one enters the trance state to release the pain and make this experience an experience of joy.
- Build a look more sweet and kind for delivery from the experience of the mother and newborn.
- Expanding delivery options to act knowing the ancestral midwives.
- Involve the application of energy during the birth process.
- Challenging the tax system technologically fear.
- Seriously question the Western medical system and their way of receiving life on this planet
- Deepen the skills to bring children who are able to love life from the moment promoting the movement born smiling.
- Create a virtual network of support and solidarity among the participants to exchange experiences and shared solidarity, thus recreating the virtual community of support for childbirth as a transformative experience of life.

Will present a talk on the issue of awareness and natural birth, with support literature and especially of their own personal practice, I'll flip charts for presentation simple as supporting material. After presenting information on the subject, give way to the comments, questions, personal experiences, all designed to feel and think the network involved in living life. For Men and Women who want to reconnect with this network of experiences that transform us from the depths of our instincts that hold the life force.

Childbirth was and is a frequent topic of fears doubts about profound changes not speak directly or are not widely shared themes, which generates misinformation and fears are growing at the time of birth, as seen only in Western medicine as only option at the time of birth especially in the cities. Many women have lost their connection with their bodies and their own pace, so in a decisive moment are subject to what is necessary, even a cesarean section could have been avoided caring and respect for the rhythm and timing of each creature within Belly and every mother.
Also promote parent participation, parent or partner on duty at the time of delivery because they help to make hij @ s should also help recibirl @ s. Still in our hands to recreate the sense of community and strengthen social bonding among all.
DOCUMENT ASSISTANT: Part-EXPROPRIATION researching this article for a magazine a couple of years but serves as a base and a reference to support the debate but mostly to share feelings and ideas about childbirth.
Also attached NATURAL CHILDBIRTH slides that I serve as visual support for the various labor talks in various places, just to share online, because the presentation will be an outdoor exhibit where not to use any type of equipment.

Expropriation DELIVERY
Vivian Camacho
At this stage of technological development worldwide scientific _ where it has been imposed an artificial life system so that the most fundamental and most intimate of human beings have become mechanical, written manuals on how to raise children, manuals how to feel, how they live, how to dress and eat. Instincts are considered dark and despicable aspects of this society where appearances are all important, no matter what you are hungry you have to eat because the clock tells you whether or not you have to eat because anorexia is fashionable, what matters to you feel extremely uncomfortable and painful for that to fit into suits and elegant shoes just to see, so what you feel desire to mourn or cry when something hurts or bothers you smile just to pretend drowning force your basic drives, which are precisely the Life continues to have despite the great efforts made by the capital to disappear and we along with it
The heartfelt joy, a cry of liberation, or a deep and sad tears are anesthetized by the consumer market where they offer you any kind of numbing "to be good and look good" part of life is the light and dark, the cowardice against our basic need of expression makes it look pseudo-dildos of any kind, anything is marketable when you cheat by selling public appearances and advertising, outdoor makeup of falsehood: we sell happiness and well being
Along with progress also came mania for perfection (A criterion of who? What is perfect? Why?), Fear of pain, the fear of death, were brought to its peak, fear itself is became master of the lives of frightened and submissive massive buyers, television programs to be always well, to compete and hate your neighbor who buys more things than you, to hate the disease, to hate death: life and death sisters from the beginning of time, are now enemies because it taught you.
Ancestral connection to our ancestors with the cycles of life, death, nature and anything that involves change without fear, has been replaced by indoctrination manuals and blindness of being questioned, the culture of fear is rooted in the everyday no longer respect the universe flows in continuous transformation, the desire capital driver forces people to move on the defensive, no longer trusted in the abundance of life. The technologically advanced lives are rooted in a modern hospital full of equipment, because there are even manuals on how to give birth to a child on this planet (which has been having instinctively from the origin of the human condition) something so carnal-sexual-instinctual ritual has been machined to end the violent madness that causes the infinite terror of death and grief: children born through major surgery (Cesar) and to avoid the pain the mother is anesthetized for a horror of his own party, he shaved vagina and held with a batita in the cold room, awaiting the birth "Perfect", ready to enter the operating room to control any surprise that life can bring: birth has been expropriated
From small, we have been saying that the greatest pain of this world is the birth, the birth, having a child is the worst that can happen and you're marked forever with the pain, but if we go to top of gestation, when the egg and sperm meet in the orgasmic explosion that makes life possible is implanted in the womb, then the uterus contracts and expands pure pleasure, a similar phenomenon takes place at the time of delivery, hormones that made them dance to the uterus at the time of fertilization are responsible for labor, then why it hurts? Why is not the same orgasmic explosion or even something more intense ?.... waited for since little painful labor, and taught you.
Today, when a pregnant woman arrives at a hospital, treated like any ill, is a number over the list, not a person who is about to live a great life event, the ritual and the birth community has been completely displaced by a medical team, a theater and many precautions
But even within the great technology and perfection that involves a caesarean section, complications of this include: In the mother: bleeding, bladder injury, bowel injury, instrumental compression neuritis, anemia, thrombosis, pulmonary or cerebral embolism, peritonitis, etc.
Similarly, the intervention also has a number of risks to the baby, the main respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, transient tachypnea, and iatrogenic preterm delivery (prematurity induced by medical procedures)
In a society where birth has been medicalized to dangerous extremes, and where the emphasis is "to obtain a healthy baby" at all costs tend to minimize the potential psychological impact of caesarean delivery in the mother. The very term "cesarean" favors the trivialization of the surgery, "a C-section" sounds much less dramatic than saying "you have to operate to remove the baby" or "has been through major abdominal surgery to give birth ". Thus, while the surgeons of other medical specialties that tend to be knowledgeable depressive reactions are common in convalescence from any major surgery, in the case of obstetric surgery this fact has received minimal attention and does not even mention the often explain the risks of intervention.
In most cases one of the first effects of caesarean section is the delay of the establishment of mother-child bond is hardly extracted from the mother the baby goes to intensive care to verify and / or exclude likely complications, then the mother loses that first contact so important to both breastfeeding and delay caused by low levels of oxytocin and prolactin (hormones that cause the decrease in milk) and that by practicing cesarean secretion of these hormones is stimulated naturally by the labor.
Many women will suffer even the "depression cesarean section" with feelings of loss, failure and significant difficulties in retrofitting and the link with their children. The most widespread is the feeling of loss, ie, grief for not delivery had dreamed. This can be expressed in terms of disappointment, "I never imagined that I could not give birth to my daughter" or intense sadness for not being present at birth: "When I think of my son's arms at birth unknown while I was almost asleep from the anesthesia, I feel very sorry, I hate to have to imagine what other women remember all your life. "
Also common recurring questions about whether the baby is really his son, some women have nightmares in which find that the baby they have is not really his son, some openly expressed "I feel that I have not given birth to me, not really mine intellectually I know it's my daughter, but it's like my body does not recognize. "
This is usually added the problems of identity as a mother and even as a woman: "I do not know what kind of mother am I if I could not even give birth to my children," the feelings of guilt present, "I feel it was my fault for not endured the pain and asked for anesthesia, "or thinking that has disappointed the couple" feel like I failed my husband, my body failed me at a crucial time. "
Some women report feeling raped or mutilated. The attitude toward the scar is usually a reflection of these emotions. There are women who confess that they can not see the scar and prevent their view even in the bathroom and my scar is a permanent reminder of what happened. "
Anger or rage with professionals also often common, particularly if she perceives as unnecessary surgery, "I feel cheated, angry, full of anger," "I had to be the best day of my life was a of the worst "," hardly able to trust doctors again. "
Even this life-threatening emergency, fear for the life of baby's life can be so stressful getting a real trigger post-traumatic stress syndrome, a psychological reaction that initially only seen in people exposed to war or situations of great violence and we know today can also occur after stressful situations in the delivery.
Despite feeling relieved and happy to have a healthy child, parents (men) also tend to experience feelings of inadequacy, isolation, anxiety, sadness, fear, stress, anger, worry, nervousness, disappointment and sense of failure for not meeting with the role expected of them as active support in childbirth. Couples who have had a child by cesarean may be less happy with the experience of having a child. Moreover, the cesarean will determine the future of women's reproductive, not because of physical reasons, but the psychological reason that many mothers choose not to have more children or distances much longer than previously planned.
When I was writhing in pain and asked for the epidural gynecologist mocked me. You wanted a natural birth? I said, as Aguantate. This gynecologist spoke of "natural" childbirth when my daughter had a punctured electrode in the head, I was monitored and surrounded by cables, forcing me to lie, I had broken the bag and put a dropper and hypertonia suffered because of oxytocin synthetic were giving me without my knowing. I had to beg for anesthesia and I was deeply humiliated. They looked at the nurse and a gynecologist and told the other "Do you think it stops at the bottom?" That "is" meant to me. I was there, was "my" birth and "my" daughter. It hurt and humiliated that they speak of me as well not exist. While pushing and I had to hear comments rajaban nasty little jokes for having asked for my party to abide by the recommendations of WHO.
In addition to tearing with forceps, I cut and sewed the levator ani and artificially narrowed the vaginal opening sewn over for "me virgin as the gynecologist explained to my husband with a wink. Since then my sex is very painful I went into the hospital as a woman of thirty-four years adult and responsible. Once inside, semi naked and with a camisilla uniform, with a nurse willing to shave my vagina before the whole world, my rights have evaporated. I was turned into a minor that nobody talks about her own health and is represented at all times by their parents, a role that the medical team immediately won my husband and family. I went there for my own feet, healthy, happy, with a beautiful daughter in my body. I left three days later in a wheelchair and sick, full of tears and pain. With a beautiful girl who did not deserve to be born hypoxic and spend their first hours of life in an incubator. I felt that the right to give birth to my own daughter had been usurped by a brutal, cold and calculated by people whose sole purpose was to kill me as soon as possible and with it, because in the end was more of the list.
I have taken something deep inside me: my birth, the birth of my daughter, her first glance.
(Out of respect anonymity of this statement)
Ever wondered why two out of three C-sections are unnecessary?
In a paper entitled The birth is not a disease, WHO provides some recommendations regarding the use and abuse of cesarean section:
• No rationale for artificial rupture of membranes for routine. Artificial rupture of membranes is essential before an advanced stage of labor. No scientific evidence justifies the systematic breakdown of membranes by artificial means in an early stage of labor.
• Labor must not be caused by artificial means for convenience, and should not cause a delivery if not required by medical indications and justified. No country should have artificial provocation rates above 10% delivery
• Countries in which perinatal mortality rates are the lowest in the world, also have cesarean rates below 10%. There is therefore no justification in any country there cesarean rates above that number.
• There is no scientific evidence demonstrating the need for caesarean section in women who have previously suffered a transverse lower segment cesarean section. By natural childbirth in women with a prior cesarean should be encouraged, whenever you have an infrastructure in an emergency surgery.
Bolivian situation is alarming about C-sections, according to research by The Times: In private clinics, 70% of births are by Caesarean section in the National Building 50% Social Security and SUMI (Universal Maternal and Child Insurance ) caesarean sections are performed by 40%. Despite the WHO's recommendation: No country should have artificial provocation rates of delivery of over 10%. The cost of surgery ranges from 700 to $ 1800 depending on the region, the private clinic, and professional practice.
The abuse of surgical methods in births could be due to excessive zeal of the medical establishment to its bid for the surgery to avoid further complications defensive and hence any complaints if something goes wrong during labor (medical malpractice).
Few women are investigating what happened and many find that their cesarean was unnecessary, most choose to blindly believe what the doctor said, and abuse of cesarean section with references to the baby is big, that it is narrow, or placenta previa with three months of pregnancy, is a brutal onset of back pain absurd.
Delivery care in the hospital is invasive, repressive and inhibitory. From the standpoint of human rights, the current system of care delivery continues to be hierarchical and discriminatory, and in it the laboring woman occupies a subordinate place in which only take orders and must obey without question.
Until when will we remain subject to collective fear? When will we see the sacred rituals of life and pleasure in a birth? If an orgasm began life, why not allow another orgasm our children receive at birth? .... In a natural way, as it always has been, like our ancestors along with the land, we are the magicians of life and death, moving along with the expansions and contractions of giving birth to a universe all the times we shared with rituals of love and pleasure.
"In most obstetric units will no longer see births. What is happening there is so much like a birth as artificial insemination is like sex, or feeding through a tube to the act of eating."
Ronald Laing, Psychiatrist

"Obstetrics, discipline dominated by the medical man has never understood the physiology of birth."
Michel Odent, MD

"Medicalized birth ... the state of mind and her body are altered both the method to perform this intimate act must also be altered, like the state of the newborn. The result is that it is not possible to know how the birth had been before these manipulations ... Therefore, providers of fertility services have no true measure of assistance. "
Report Having a child in Europe. WHO 1985
"Over the past twenty years the perinatal mortality has declined dramatically, and the doctors attributed to births occurring in hospitals. There is no evidence that this is true. The scientific evidence is that fewer babies die because there is a better nutrition, better health in women, better housing, and something very important, because women have fewer children and have them when they want them through family planning. This is probably the best reason to die unless children twenty years ago. The explanation is that women do, not doctors. ".
Dr. Marsden G. Wagner. WHO Representative in maternal and child health. 1990.

"A look unkind enough to dilate a woman."
Ina May Gaskin. Midwife

"It would be hard to think of an entry in the world more terrifying than obstetrics has unwittingly created for this generation."
Frederick Leboyer, obstetrician


Presentation of book "Animal Liberation: More than words"
Presentation of book "Animal Liberation: More than words"

see online book

45 minutes

Be aware that animal liberation is not a philosophy or a diet but a objective which we must move to reach either lectures, meetings, leaflets, demonstrations, sabotage, etc.
Understand that there are no perfect strategies or techniques, but the use of these depend on myriad factors.
Discuss the use of violence and illegal actions.

Will present the book "Animal Liberation: more than words" and briefly describe their most significant chapters.
Will be presented and analyzed the most frequent criticisms of illegal direct action.
Be discussed openly (depending on the number of participants, perhaps in small groups) about the violence and lawlessness, if these are detrimental or favorable to the movement.

"... Every animal has its own personality, and this, of course, includes us human animals. The fact that every human has his own personality that you like immediately makes one kind of thing and dislike another, which would hear some things and ignore others, to understand better ideas if they have been exposed in one way and worse if you otherwise exposed. Another person will have very different interests and will be attracted by other things.
The simple fact that governs our daily life we know extrapolate the movement. We must strive to find any magic method that can be applied to everyone who goes to get people to refuse to continue exploiting animals. We must strive to do this because we are wasting time. And time is money.
As each person is different, with each of them is to use a different strategy to get you to realize that non-human animals also want to be free and deserve respect that freedom.
Thus, the only valid answer to the question of how to get people to respect the wishes of all animals to be free is through creativity.

Direct action also raises a rejection, but rejection that engages your audience, not to obey the legal system, is incomparable with a rejection that awakens directly to question the value system. Herein lies a characteristic of direct action. Direct action is not limited to rescue a chicken or a mink release (who claims it is making a clear simplification possibly manipulative intentions), but is much more than that. By the fact out of the cage an animal, or disable a tool for animal abuse is sending a clear message to the public. It is striking that value system firmly rooted in people, but is not directly, but the process is much more subtle but equally effective.
There is no difference in the effectiveness of that system of values to attack directly or indirectly and subtly. There are people that are most effective to conduct a direct confrontation with others is more subtle confrontation, or do anything to be the person who independently perform their own comparison of values. The most effective is probably a combination of both. Talk of specism (already mentioned) use only direct confrontation and direct action often indirectly raise questions.
In addition, direct action is the strong point of access to many more people. Thus, when shown on television that "a group of animal advocates has released a few animals (or destroyed a slaughterhouse)" some people will wonder, consciously or unconsciously why. What could have pushed the animal advocates to do that. Then the light will draw for themselves the values that they kept hidden for animals that have never been questioned or compared. And for the first time will question and compare with the values of those people who risked their freedom to defend non-human animal. Thus, some of them will start the internal debate essential to the movement.
It noted that just is not fancy, not even close. A significant percentage of people who are vegan today in countries like Sweden, England, Italy, etc. are due to internal issues that were themselves to hear news about striking and illegal activities had taken place a section of the Animal Liberation movement.


"Animal Liberation or total liberation?
Talk: Animal Liberation or total liberation?

45 minutes

Criticizing "the animal movement and cutting green bourgeois" (with increasing strength in Europe) that is challenging the foundations of this society.
Deeper about why the commodification and capitalism prevent animal liberation and total liberation.
Aware of how reformism is a placebo to slow our discontent to a form of inappropriate relationships.

Reading the story "the ship of fools" by Ted Kasynski. (See text on the Internet)
Open discussion among all participants.

Life is short, most people feel "naturally" uncomfortable to live in a system based on economic relations and hierarchical relationships. We missed the brawl involved reformist campaign that end with our frustration and resignation.
It is easy to see demonstrations against imperialism, or criticize consumer society. This would fall easily into reformism. What would be truly revolutionary attack on capitalism and the goods which are factors that are produced by imperialism and consumption of things.
In this regard veganism as isolated struggle may be perfect for a market for synthetic or genetically modified foods.
"... It is very common on the vast majority of animal rights organizations inability to break with the miserable reality of capitalist relations. You may not want to do. Maybe they feel good about their way of life-the people-to work or study, eat, have fun and feel good about helping animals. There may be many reasons, but there is something undeniably right that sometimes it would take into account: the mode of operation of men and women and the consequent commodification of human life is transferred equally to animals, so there is a human being's behavior change for respectful behavior and others' speciesism, if not its eradication exclusively concern beyond capitalism or any kind of social and economic system that puts profits, profit, power and luxury above the individual freedom. That is, the destruction of class society.
... The problem is not that animals are treated better. Not that the horse was beaten to exhaustion to pull some strings. Not that they feed on some forgotten highway. Not that there is a law that criminalizes such things. The question that we should do is, what conditions allow this to happen? The answer is the same as always: The exploitation of man-woman-girl-tree-animal-sea. "


Ecology decolonized
(total liberation, De
patriarchalization and Decolonization)

Type of activity:

Exposure: 30 minutes
Discussion: 45 minutes
Total: 75 minutes


Develop a form of struggle in our own world view and way of life.

- Analyze the need for decolonization of the total liberation of peoples.
- Self-criticism struggle releases without identity.
- Ask a branch of environmentalism Revolucionário decolonised De
patriarchalization and libertarian.

Talk basing the non
consumerist lifestyle, respectful, organized, and decolonized deantropocentrism many people of Abia Yala (America) have been preserved for millennia us identify these forms of life as cohesive with the struggle for total liberation.

The need to build uma form of struggle to rescue the way of life of man / woman Andean / os us rethink and ask, "How many places in Abia Yala have managed to preserve a way of life, quietly resisting anthropocentric colonization and the imposition of new customs, politics and religion? The intention of this talk is to make sense of this question with the justly to see that these people live only with what is necessary (sum q'amaña) respect to every body of nature and seeing it as its such as: human and non-animal humans, plants, air, water, rocks, hills, and others. Considering its Jilata / Kullak (brother / sister) but not as their children, but as equals everybody are part of the Pachamama biocentric strongly rejects the Western concept which only involves the "bio" to plant and animal beings which have cells and tissues are included in this group, excluding the other constituents of a community nature of "equal" -. Do not confuse this integration of everything that surrounds us with religion, world view is not the same, but the opposite, so we have a deep respect for everything that is around us. The ayllu - horizontal reciprocity system, De
patriarchalization organized where for example you build your house and the whole community works selflessly exist permanent whit reciprocity - is the simplest and most effective self-management and community organization. The charges of organizing community members are played by rotating, without hierarchy and Depatriarchalization. It is true that many places now is the influence of Western life balance and breaking that alienating their way of life by embedding the religion, the advent of technology education teachers based on other realities, pagan festivals Judeo-Christian ways foreign policy thinkers to life men / women Ayllus neo-colonized has been merged and their way of life. Capitalism has come so shocking that there are few places that retain their way of life preserved for millennia.

The Zoocentrism (non-human animals are worth more than humans) is another aspect that allows the stagnation of the struggle for docking and making releases incompetent and ineffective to Andean peoples and not the rest of the world. The Andean inhabitant has managed to use his surroundings to be able to counteract any physical discomfort using Kallawaya medicine, free of animal ingredients, only to plants where the coca leaf has significant value in these practices, even getting to perform caesarean sections, trepanations the cranial cavity, strains, etc. without the need for drugs from capitalism. But little by little capitalism has been introduced, leading hospitals and health centers to more distant places. Health care is important of course, but Western medicine is not necessary in these villages.

No one wants to "sanctify" the peoples of origin in the Spanish arrived 518 years ago behind Tawantinsuyo Empire had managed to dominate and subdue all the surrounding villages are taxpayers taxes and looting their Ayllus often, when Pizarro came to "conquer America" on behalf of his crown these people tired of the subjugation of the empire made alliances with the Europeans against the empire, a history that starts as a major incident of a liberationist struggle.

Is not intended to be inclined to talk or Indian conception, but rather, adhere to the struggle for total liberation that some issues should be taken into account.


Environmentalism Vs Revolutionary Ecology
Aprox 1 Hour

To inform all about what the revolutionary ecology, based on deep ecology

-Environmentalist, government policies, etc.
Propose alternative solution to this.

Anyone interested can read the following texts, written for a base:
- The concept of social ecology (Murray Bookchin)
- Lighting the flame of revolutionary ecology

Besides some basic concepts:
- Environmental policy
- Sustainable Development
- Eco capitalism (green capitalism)
- International conventions and treaties (especially the last which was in Cochabamba, Bolivia this year.)

The points to be developed are:

1. Revolutionary Ecology VS. Environmentalism

• Sustainable development (ONG´s, green parties, groups' environmental programs, projects, plans, governmental, individual Environmentalism (caring for the environment at home, etc.).
• Capitalism, ecocapitalismo, etc. as a destroyer of nature (progress, development, technology, environmental technology, progress, etc.).
• Indian Tribes (megaprojects and the disappearance of these) (Amazon, biodiversity, etc.).
• Ecological balance and impaired

* If possible, project the video "I'm a defender of the jungle"

2. Rev. Ecology
* Strategies for action
* Proposals and alternatives

Given that environmentalism, and all governments and capitalism are in the "environment" we are obliged to inform you that this is nothing more than a transvestite, obstacle, or tempting weapon "for the total liberation struggle, it is very important to know, such trends, which environmentalists reformers mostly tend to follow, using the name of ecology, "the care of nature" to continue the destruction disguised without anybody noticing.
The echo called capitalism, sustainable development, green policies, treaties, conventions, etc. Are only reforms that through discourse enverdecedor "are destroying much of nature, animals, plants," resources "with mega-projects, progress and development, capitalist leaving on several occasions, the disappearance of ethnic groups, Indian tribes. It is a silent war.
In this paper, develop the above, and proposals and strategies against this.


Activity: Tecno System Industial and domination of our lives.


1 hour


Recognize as scientific and technological progress is responsible for extending the rule to all areas of daily life.

• Give to know the "why" and "how much" techno-industrial system destroys the autonomy and self-esteem of individuals.

• Identify the technology as an "amplifier" that increases the control and privileges of the ruling elite.

· Rescue (without falling into an idealization) forms of organization and conflict resolution and uncivilized peoples needs and compare them to our society.

• Differentiate between the technologies of small and large scales.

• Discuss the following sentence: "Yes they are against technology, why use computers?" And reflect on the legitimacy of using any means (including technology) to oppose a system that will use any means to expand and destroy.

· Talk about the strategies and motivations of the Luddite movement.


Extracted from the publication by anti-

Our overcrowding in large cities, the destruction and irreversible modification of nature, our lives highly controlled and regulated, factories, offices, universities, governments, banks and all those who make them work in the service of tecnosistema the technology and technique, chained to it. The technology cuts our freedoms, destroy our nature and our happiness is impossible, it's like the bag of gold that drowns the castaway why he's unable to let go. Have you not sometimes believed that life was meaningless? It is the fault of technology, with it there is no motivation to live a meaningful life, one life robotics and empty. Our life is not life, it's just a dance scheduled for technological progress, a disenchantment that weak personalities filled with addictions, sexual aberrations or the wildest hobbies, habits and ideologies. People spend a lifetime looking for the perfect love, the perfect job, the ideal or the ideal partner to enable them to bear the unbearable, always seem to be about to get, but as a donkey behind the carrot never succeed, at most one can hope for is to get fooled.

Our reality, our day to day, is given by tecnosistema needs. If you live in overcrowded cities, destroy the "resources" the planet's natural, pollute the environment or have a life is highly regulated and monitored solely because tecnosistema required for further progress. Our life and our freedom are subject to the progress and continuity tecnosistema any other issue is secondary but it goes against us. The tecnosistema disables or destroys what it takes to run its course, we must highlight its need to destroy the freedom of people, animals and the environment in order to succeed. We can state that our society does not care about consequences other than the survival and expansion of tecnosistema.

One might think that is really tecnosistema "greed" or the desire to get rich without end that have some large companies and powerful people who do not stop at anything or anyone in order to win more money. The difference is that the desire to get rich without end have been part of the human attitude since long before the rise of tecnosistema, this attitude has certainly created a lot of pain and discomfort but this has always been proportional to the available technology and technical therefore in the past the plans of these large companies and powerful people could only have an intensity that technology and technique of time allowed them.

At present due to advances in technology and technology corporations and organizations have expanded their influence, power and its consequences to all corners of the world and has grown exponentially the unpleasant effects of their attitudes cause. Victims who formerly could resist or attempt to flee from these attitudes now have option to do so or if they do this has been greatly depleted due mainly to the tecnosistema, technology and technique always play against the individual or small community and for the large company or organization, whether public or private. Removing tecnosistema certainly did not completely get rid of "greed" or this desire to get rich without end, but its capacity, performance and power radio would be greatly diminished.

The tecnosistema taught us that "things can change our consumption habits" but that is nothing more than a fallacy. In the same way that the world's water problems are not going to solve because you stop showering, the technological problem is not resolved because you personally you disconnect from it. Although, obviously, the disconnect will bring many personal benefits.


Intercultural and Health
Chat and collective reflection.

Intercultural and Health

1 ½ hours (½ hour talk considering and collective reflection 1 hour)

- Challenging the hegemonic model of the dominant culture of a macro view of health alone.
- Questioning the current maintenance of the social and political imbalances that keep the economic sick society, dependent on substances and numbed by consumerism.
- Promote respect for our right to be different and to exercise our power differences in both care for life in full global network.
- Exemplify the paradigm shift from the Western view of a mechanical universe isolated from the human creature in front of the new paradigm of interaction with a living universe responds to our energetic movements.

Leave open the following questions to the circle a word and sharing of feelings and thoughts about our own ways of looking at health and life
- There are currently Health System or System Disease?
- What are the social determinants of health?
- What if I am connected to the cosmos, how my human physiology?

Will present a talk on cultural diversity and health, as a specialist in cultural diversity and health but since the proposal against hegemónica_ descolonizante in order to build a post-capitalist society, I will flip charts for presentation simple as supporting material. I will begin by reading the brief text below herein, and then continue with the round a word about not only the complaints and criticisms of this hegemonic system but also of the proposals that we can and we are building with our hands, from our perspective and realities.

When we talk about health today, we were only comes to mind white-coated doctor with syringe in hand, knowing that if my body is sick I take pills or have surgery. My body is seen as a machine. But nobody asks me about my living conditions?, I have to eat? I'm eating? I have living in this life? As I make a living? Just survive? Am I happy? And my family? And my relationships? And where I live as it is? There is community? I live in solidarity? And the land where I live this healthy? Or is sick like me? As you feel my heart? I love life?
We deeply internalized belief that only this world in three dimensions is real, we forgot to connect to the other side of the brain with poetry and magic rituals have been the guardians of the other kind of medicine that indigenous peoples still carry survivors. For that we question and learn about our ways of seeing life, learned discourses without spirit, without feeling, where the self-declared anthropocentrism is the holder of the reason for falling life this way in the world view outside itself, so in the objectification, as I see out there is one thing you can gain, to negotiate. But if this anthropocentric turn to the Biocentric where life is the linchpin that makes us walk, I can not deal with life, because life is priceless, and will therefore river brother, sister mountain, animal brothers and sisters flowers , and so ... they just will not sell or kill my brothers and sisters s. Each person must know first identify the lies learned to see again free of prejudices and freedom from fear. Just from this new space to reflect back at us we interconnected with the life around us with the natural cycles of heaven and earth.
And from the deep respect that arises from the self of each person we observe new and what is truly different from us. For a real solidarity can be born and to recreate the life back networks among all living entities, we see and we do not see but can feel with every heartbeat.

ATTACHED DOCUMENT: A CULTURAL APPROACH TO SHORT TO PROPOSE - researching this article for a magazine this year and I share and that serves as a base and a reference to support the debate but mostly to share feelings and ideas in relation to different eye health.

A brief look at the Class of Intercultural that propose
Dr Vivian Camacho

After talking and sharing a lot about cultural diversity and health, it is very clear to us that respect for intercultural dialogue is being proposed should be in a situation symmetrical power relations. Questioning deeply political social economic asymmetries that still condition this dialogue. Where we need to continue work on the social determinants of health, but also need to consider the look of health from the people themselves, and not the imposition of health for people with foreign programs outside the national reality and the cultural context of the different regions .
There is talk of multiculturalism "light_suave" which is still considered the other in defiance of their knowledge and ways to build life and health, that we speak different organizations and different attempts to assimilate the system possesses the dominant hegemonic macrocultura of universal reason that generates power relations with civilized violence and subjugation, which aims to integrate the cultures is gradually swallowing model of diversity, in harmony with economic production, trying to achieve cultural homogenization unit model in which the capitalist development, profit and profit, financial speculation with social and environmental costs are standardized as the only way to order the world to include and subordinate (subsumed) to differently to circulate as a commodity.
When we propose that health is a right, not a commodity also say that the right to health is not only the right medication or Western medical care, but deep respect to the particular ways of conceiving the world and life from ourselves from our roots, while also respecting our right to diversity and differences.
This emancipatory Intercultural propose to construct a process of post-capitalist society overcome the colonial relationships.
Building from the look Indian peoples of the world to discuss a respectful intercultural considers the global paradigm shift in interacting with a living universe instead of a mechanical universe from us. We know that every culture meets their needs from their point of view, capabilities and resources in meaningful and magical-medical efficacy that occurs in the very cultural fabric within their own cultural context in the form of healing.
To Puntos without charges; need:
"That a respected scholar, a sage of another color"
See the uniqueness of each region: Reality National Indigenous worldview.
Recognize the contribution of diversity to sustainability in terms of practices and contributions to health concerns
Talking from what we have accumulated knowledge and respect, without convincing or send
Recreate the imagination to show solidarity with us and with different
Complement the knowledge, without arrogance, arrogance and insults.

Have to impose models of development? Why should we accept?
Who want to seem? Perhaps we're not showing that we live differently?
We take our medicine, not because they are poor, but because it is ours.


talk "
non-human animals, humans and hierarchically machines

1 hour 30 min.


1. Exposing the tool-concept machine hierarchy. "

2. Outline the reason why we oppose any form of power. This would require defining the role of power in the " hierarchy machines" and, therefore, to develop the idea of contradiction Power (Potentia) / Power (authority) or (Power Vs Power to above).

3. Describe the main features of the specist hierarchy machines and the relationship to other machines like the capitalism age-related, sexist, racist and state. (Intersectionality and parallelism emancipatory).

4. Define / the subject the Total Liberation movement: subjects ex-centric and post-humanist. (Overcoming the dichotomy nature / culture and human / animal).

5. Outline the underlying ethical approach to the proposal.


The activity attempts to disclose the tool-concept hierarchy machine and, specifically speaking, the ranking machine specist and joints (and relationships) with other machines ranking. In that sense, it is essential to raise the issue of power (and mechanisms), the subject of the total liberation and ethical proposal that all this implies.


Today more than ever necessary to understand the connection between different forms of domination and power structures that support them, to build a clear picture (but not simple) of our possibilities of agency, intervention on multiple realities of oppression that animals (human and nonhuman) we must to hold.


Black Boa
THE BLACK BOA: Disaster on the River cashew, Amazonia Peruana, extraction of hydrocarbons as an example to the criticism of the industrial development model.

50 minutes video / 30 discussion.

-Raise awareness of events in the region of Rio Marañon, due to oil spill on 19 June 2010.
"To think critically about the model of industrial development and forms of production.

By Natalia Matzner and Rafael Rodriguez
(Group anthropology and visual culture studies of Barcelona)

They say that when a boa stretches it is not measuring his victim, that's what the pipeline from the battery 3 8x batch Pluspetrol Norte SA since 1970. The pipeline stretches over a length of 16 kilometers from inside the Pacaya Samiria to the bank of the Maranon River, the main tributary that gives rise to the Amazon River.

On June 19, 2010 again suffered Marañón River oil spill in 2000, and suffered a spill of 5,500 barrels of oil for which no one did anything, basically because of ignorance of rights by the population local, in this case around 80 thousand affected, most of them belonging to ethnic Cocama.

The Cocamas living along the Marañón River, as its name says the Tupi-Guarani language, is the "person who lives in the middle", they live by fishing, Cocama language, fisherman, hunter and warrior are synonyms, ie killing someone who knows, if fishing is just spoiled with the main local livelihoods, while it produces an enormous corrosion of character to lose the most important thing may be within these societies, fisherman warrior is that "great guy" with a clearly recognized status, so a terrible impact that leads to acculturation, "which it will engage these people who lost what they do?

Within the Cocama worldview is in the river where lie the bones and the spirits of the ancestors, that is where still alive, where they are kept and not wasted. There are thousands of stories that refer to the river, this water can not use anymore, losing contact with the river, feel defiled the sacred ground, is another important aspect to keep in mind to understand the seriousness of pollution for the population local, but of course the most evident and urgent is the amount of digestive diseases, liver and skin which have skyrocketed over the entire area from the date of the last stroke.

River water and fresh fish is the basis of culture Cocama, apparently that it received from the company when it destroys the environment, bottled water and cans of tuna, without even worrying about where will those tons of cans and plastic once consumed ; consumed in some cases, people told us on our journey, that canned tuna will produce skin irritation and therefore preferred to get rid of the cans, sometimes we were told that contained human flesh, some dolphin meat containing (pink dolphin), which is not eaten and that within the worldview Cocama is a white man, too, the villagers received food that were damaged and full of worms.

The company has also given money to 28 communities Cocamas, 1600 soles per household, a total of 1300 families, this continued for two months in discussions with local authorities in the district of Parinari to see whose turn it was the money, generating nearly forgotten the initial problem, the oil in the river. " This money has generated numerous breakdowns, both within indigenous organizations, as well as divisions within communities, not used to the locals to amounts of money generated by the abandonment of the family head or that money vanish in purchases without meaning to new merchants who opportunistically aware and visit the area, increased use of industrial alcohol by an individual, among other things.
The money was divided communities selectively, while oil pollution affects everyone. To receive the amount needed to own a home and be a marriage, so there are many cases where people mostly women were beyond all possibility of receiving this money.

We wonder if the corporation is aware of these negative effects as to correct or consequential damages generated if such securities are part of a plan to weaken the responses that spring from social unrest and thus appease the people. What certainly does seem that it is easy to play with the anxiety of a thirsty people, full of needs, have been abandoned by the state, generating a feudal relationship between the company and locals.

The company in an attempt to collect the spilled oil poured a chemical binder to the waters of the Maranon, which precipitated the crude to the river bottom. Talking to Jose Alvarez and Victor Sotero Solís Research Institute of the Peruvian Amazon (IIAP), and Roberto Pezo biologist at the National University of the Peruvian Amazon, we were informed that some once used the chemical in question should be collected and not wait for the rush as was the case (in the logic of the river as a dump), in short, instead of clean water pollution only hid the other hand, oil and chemicals at the bottom of river is eaten by small fish and there through the food web comes to human consumption.
The intake of fat-absorbing part of the fish also makes them lose their fats, ie eggs and it is possible not play. Another highlight of this issue is the issue of bioaccumulation whereby large carnivorous fish after eating many small fish absorb all hydrocarbons and heavy metals that contain these small and they then come to people who also accumulate metals, with the dire consequences that entails. In some ways this effects are evident in every community there and digestive diseases, liver and skin, the most damaging effects of pollution on people will be more long term, is a young brain develops, full of lead or cadmium?

This situation not to worsen, the lack of water (because neither rain), food and medicine and a huge need to be heard, has forced an indigenous organization split to take different measures, some of them decided to take the Marañón River from Monday 25 October, after several days of court, also decide to take the road from Iquitos - Nauta, creating an enormous strain, 5000 Indians were in the river to prevent the passage of boats waiting for answers, until October 29 I finally opened the river again after the first serious consequence of this decision, there is talk of missing, also killed in the fighting against the boats that tried to pass, the local press makes it disappeared only to already appeared, a twenty year old who fell from a canoe in an attempt to stop a commercial boat.

The Cocamas face several major challenges in a situation like the present, mainly to be able to discern what the development for its people, from industry, development will always be a matter of more machinery, but the locals should consider developing in other lines, such as the recovery of the culture and language, the creation of networks for homeland defense and strengthening of indigenous organizations regardless of gossip and slander, if not the future will be darker than oil, and it's not just oil that threatens them, the development of parallel macro extractive industries such as construction of a train from Iquitos to Yurimaguas to transport oil by land, even deforested areas known as national park without even consulting the native communities residents, this being a right. Or the introduction of genetically modified trees aguaje that absorb heavy metals in theory what can a tree fruit fed with zinc or lead?
All this happens in the Maranon and bass flute where the river Amazon, the seventh wonder of the world



Andean Harvest

TYPE OF ACTIVITY: Playing an Andean crop

DURATION: From 08:00 to 12:00



Andean Ritual

Music appreciation to land

Whatia (oven heat based on pre-heated stones)

Apthapi (andean food) hrs. 12:00



Play an Andean crop respect natural crop cycles.


- Rescue techniques from pre-Columbian ecological planting and harvesting.

- Show that the cultivation of different foods such as corn, beets, tomatoes, lettuce, chard, etc. need no chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers or GMOs.

- Show that natural farming is an important tool for self-management and self-sufficiency.

- Reaping what was sown prior to the meeting.


Tools such as hoes, shovels, picks, hoes, etc.


For a whole morning meeting started with the organization of working groups for the allocation of different activities. Continue with the ritual, the harvest, and finally Whatia Apthapi. The activity is accompanied by music and dancing.


Today our society is infested with GM, chemicals, flavors and other products that come in the foods we eat even in the "vegan products." On the other hand, holdings human and nonhuman animal and the earth is invisible by capitalist production through marketing strategies that get to persuade most people. It is increasingly what we eat, wear and use of any form has its holding but dose not fit. One of our slogans within the movement is the self, shown in individal gardens, including urban collective comrades from different latitudes. In Los Andes (Abya Yala) has tried to keep a way to grow food but has been reduced gradulamente and moving the way of caring for the earth by a consumer society that enslaves second to second every inch of land. The "technology" before the arrival of the Spanish era was well underway and respecting sustainable natural farming cycles, sample, they are the Sukakollos and Chaqanas for example. Forms polyculture and where the only chemicals used are natural, they are the same as naturally falling to the earth dried increasing nutrients. What is displayed in this activity is to share with you something that all the comrades we have our grandparents transmitted knowledge through practice has been inherited from generation to generation and is at risk to disappear.


Ecological medicine cabinet


(Creams, tinctures, oils)


DURATION: 45 minutes


Plants: chamomile, coca, matico, rosemary, willow, aloe vera, etc.





Vaseline or any vegetable fat

Rubbing alcohol


Develop some items that should not miss in the first aid kit


A small introduction about the use of medicinal plants and their characteristics: antibiotic antiinfamatoria, antipyretic, antiastringente, analgesic, antiasthmatic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, colagoga, cleansing, diuretic, emetic, emollient, stimulant, expectorant, hemostatic, liver, oxytocic, oftlamica, remineralizing, decisive, sedative, sudorific, vulneraria and others.


It is important to know the use of medicinal plants and have them available within the first aid kit. The great advantage of using natural medicine using herbs or herbal medicine as an alternative therapy is that you yourself can use, is economical and contraindications are minimal or nonexistent in most cases. The pharmaceutical companies increasingly are creating a dependency on the use of drugs that are the result of chemical processes where to be "tested" is used for experimentation and vivisection, no data results fidelignos by anatomical, physiological and morphological differences in animals humanxs and nonhuman. These practices we are targeting only non-human animals, but the truth is that we are also nostrxs object of experimentation as "Third World" and if there is any effect other than that we can not sue them for social or economic constraints.

Another important factor is that the drugs come with side effects and collateral, ensuring demand for their products Permanente. We "cure of a disease and the body is quietly becoming one." By contrast, the use of medicinal plants is easy as long as we know use them and combine them together with responsibility. In this workshop be held three elements: tincture, cream and oil. All LA at some point we resorted to the use of medicinal plants which demonstrates the efficiency and feasibility of them.

(See Jaime Sallez 100 medicinal plants).


Workshop practice techniques Settlement Construction
Teaching to make depending on the time and resources of the place, temporary shelters for camping in natural areas, all depending on the resources available to us, and the description or photos or videos or material likely to guide me and to know what the place where and how we count.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

He has emerged an idea that I hope more people join.
Seeing the opportunity to share knowledge among many comrades in the
animal liberation meeting in Bolivia, and being in a place
geographically so exciting, I just did the idea of being able to
a workshop on techniques of survival, or construction of
both transient and stable settlements ecologically designed,
with a minimum of tools. The central idea would be to coordinate the
and advance among us who teach practical knowledge, such as
construction of shelter, heat generation, guidance, first
basic medical aid or plants, find food and water
construction tools, transportation elements of objects
clothing, etc. to be gaining practical knowledge that
allow us to both stay in step as the most natural place without
the need for many tools.

So the proposal is open to new ideas and new contributions.
Seeing that there are four days the initial proposal would be a workshop by day
morning, because as is practical and seeks to assimilate techniques
wilderness survival, would not be bad that stakeholders
amenesca we can raise just to keep warm.

Get in touch with:
SUGGESTIONS workshops to coordinate self-sufficiency.

Greetings for everyone
wild screams


Preparation of bags with strips of cloth into disuse
Type of activity: Workshop

Duration: 45minutes.

Show a way to produce bags, backpacks, scarves, etc.. recycled material.


It will explain the technique of weaving strips of fabric in assembling the cardboard loom 40cm. Then organized working groups according to the work material and put into practice the workshop.


It is important to learn some skills that are important to our self-reliance or dissemination. This workshop teaches us to wear clothing or fabric or anything that is given a new use to make a purse, briefcase, etc. Another important detail is that the technique of this workshop is to create an element with high strength and duration that can last us for so many years more of life away consumerism. Currently these items if bought in a store we are promoting the enrichment of the capitalists and the exploitation of many people without the slightest consideration of ecology. Most products have a long life and are disposed of in a short time become garbage and returning to buy another product to replace it again.


Feminine wipes and self fabric of women's health

Activity: Workshop (to talk, of course)

Duration: 30 minutes


Teaching people interested in sewing their own cloth napkins, talk about their use, exchange experiences and towels sewing patterns, and other alternatives as well as cloth wipes (collectors, etc).


Workshop on how to draw, cut and sew a cloth, along with a discussion and exchanges of experience on the subject.


Some people may think it's a workshop out of context, but it is nothing short of veganism: besides being tested in animals, the napkins and tampons cause health problems for many women, their composition full of chemicals harmful to health; production of garbage disposable wipes and industrial production are also reasons to rethink their consumption. And of course, question that so artificial to receive and interact com menstruation.


Trench construction of Banana and rushes for grey water treatment.
Duration: 2h

Show in practice how to make the pit, which will be used at the meeting, and efficiency.

A Brief Introduction to Permaculture and some of its concepts, followed by practice for the construction of the grave, a grave made of banana and other plants, like a living filter for gray water we produce.
Greywater is all that are discarded in the process of washing (bodies, clothes, dishes, teeth, etc). This "filter " biodegradable soap only support (coconut, home), and no liquid detergents and washing powder.

In nature there is no waste. Everything is reused, recycled or processed without residue. Modern man is the only animal that produces waste. Our workshop is an attempt to reconnect to these natural cycles, where it is necessary to destroy our environment to meet hygiene needs. Gray water use, goes straight to "live filter", where organic matter and water becomes food.

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